Commodities first.
To generate the added value for our customers, being proactive in the entire energy and food systems.
Acceleration of the world’s transition to sustainable energy and food security.





Sib Kraft Pte Ltd is a commodity trading company with headquarters in Singapore. We sell agricultural and energy commodities, effectively manage logistic assets. Besides, we tackle currency hedging and hedge positions in commodities markets with minimal risks.
Our extensive sales network allows to efficiently cover demands of our valuable customers in over 20 countries. The main target of our team is to establish a value chain: origination of commodities in producing areas worldwide, transportation, storaging and selling for future processing of energy, food and feed products.
Sustainable development is a priority element of our business and corporate culture. In determining the approach and key areas of activity, Sib Kraft Pte Ltd seeks to comply with the principles regarding human rights, labor relations, anticorruption and environment protection. We strive to ensure the long-term prosperity of not only our own business but also of the world regions where we operate.
Agricultural Commodities
- Milling Wheat
- Wheat Bran in pellets
- Yellow Corn
- Yellow Peas
- Barley
- Soya Beans
- Chickpeas
- Green coffee beans
- Durum wheat
- Wheat flour

Among our coal buyers are large industrial companies, major energy providers, multinational traders as well as smaller customers.
We keep the focus on various coal producing regions — South Africa, Brazil, Colombia, India, Australia to find the best solutions and offer high-quality steam, metallurgical & multi-sized coal with different quality specifications.

Our agricultural project includes grain and oilseeds trading. Non-GMO grains of Black sea origin of a relevant quality are always available in the agreed shipment period with due respect to GAFTA and FOSFA rules. We purchase directly from farmers and supply flour mills, feed compound plants, poultry farms with high quality grains for their industries. We also promote agricultural fertilizers for soil fertilization and its timely regeneration.
Logistics is crucial to our international distribution chain. Our products should be safely delivered to our customers within the agreed shipment period. With logistics assets we enjoy a competitive advantage with regards to ease and cost of supply to the strategic markets.